Get Rid Of Oily Skin

Explore the Tops Ways To Get Rid Of Oily Skin


Oily skin can be difficult to manage. You’d need to make regular skincare a habit

Most of us tend to wash off the excess oil from our skin but we never realize that this only aggravates the problem because we are stripping the skin’s surface of its natural oils which causes our oil glands to go crazy. Although, in the long run, people with oily skin will enjoy the benefits of having a youthful and younger look when they start aging.

With oily skin, one has to handle issues like excessive shine, melty makeup, and abrupt acne or pimple breakout.

Causes of oily skin.

Excessive sebum production:

Sebum is a waxy, oily substance vital for keeping the skin healthy, protected, and hydrated. However, excessive sebum will clog pores, and cause acne breakouts and oily skin.


Oily skin may run in the family. If your parents have oily skin, there are chances you’ll also have overactive sebaceous glands.

Enlarged pores:

Larger pores mean more oil production. These pores stretch out due to age, weight fluctuations, and previous breakouts.

Using the wrong skincare products:

Oily skin can occur by using the wrong skin care products for your skin type. Some people might use heavy creams and moisturizers when such products are a no go for oily skin.

Overdoing skincare routine:

Washing or exfoliating your face too many times can make your skin oily. This is because by subjecting your face to washing or exfoliating, you strip away too much of the oil from your skin. This can cause your sebaceous glands to go haywire and produce even more oil to make up for the loss.

You only need to wash your skin twice a day to keep excess oil at par.

 Skipping on moisturizers and sunscreen:

Skipping on sunscreen can dry out your skin, leading to more sebum production. If you’re using acne treatments such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, you need a good moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out. Without a moisturizer, any skin type will dry out. Lightweight, water-based moisturizers work well for oily skin. Apply moisturizer after cleansing and toning. Look out for products that are oil-free and non-comedogenic. These products will help in clearing the pores.

Humidity and climate:

Your surroundings affect your skin. During warm weather, the skin can change from normal to oily. Higher temperatures cause the skin to secrete more oil which leaves it looking greasy.

Age: Oily skin is a phase everyone goes through in puberty along with breakouts and pimples. The only benefit oily skin shows slow signs of aging, fine lines, and wrinkles

Ways to get rid of oily skin.

Improve your lifestyle:

Everybody’s a fan of fried food and sugary goods. However, eating these items often could increase oil production by stimulating your hormones. It is better to find the right balanced diet to support your skin.

Follow a skincare regime:

Applying any and every product won’t do any good to you and your skin. Stick to the products that specifically tone down or reduce oiliness rather than slathering everything and complicating your routine’s steps.

 Avoid over-cleansing:

Using harsh cleansers will just deprive your skin of its natural oils and irritate your skin barrier, leading to more oil and acne breakouts in the end. Consistently washing your face every morning and night will be good enough.

Stop using harsh products:

Be gentle on your skin and don’t use aggressive face wash for your skin. It will strip the skin of its natural sebum and lipids and trigger a cycle of dehydration and irritation, thus making your oily skin even oilier.

Switch to home remedies:

While home remedies wouldn’t completely reduce sebum production, they will be somewhat successful in controlling the oil. Remedies like honey, cosmetic clay, clay masks, oatmeal, lemon, aloe vera, and jojoba oil will help in absorbing excess oil and de-grease your face temporarily in urgent needs.

Stay hydrated:

Dehydrated skin is more prone to oil production. If your face feels dried out, use face serums to bring back the hydration without adding a gleam.

Moisturize regularly: 

Using an oil-free moisturizer will prevent your skin from dehydrating. Dehydration often begins with the loss of moisture due to which oil glands will produce more sebum.

Shop mattifying makeup:

Using oil-free foundations and matte makeup will give your skin an ungreasy look. These products include oil-absorbing ingredients and matte pigments to stop your makeup from sliding off or breaking up throughout the day.

Exfoliate gently: E

xfoliate/scrub your face with alpha-hydroxy acids or AHAs (glycolic acid) or beta-hydroxy acids / BHAs (salicylic acid), which penetrate deep into the pores and effectively remove excess sebum.

Use benzoyl peroxide facewash or cleanser:

Benzoyl peroxide is the best ingredient to kill acne-causing bacteria, calm inflammation, and minimize oil production.

Add retinol to your regime:

A vitamin-A derivative that is not only used to reduce sebum production but also speeds up collagen production, fades away acne scars and hyperpigmentation, smoothens the skin texture, and softens fine lines.

Stay out of the sun:

Excess sun exposure will damage the skin barrier and dehydrate the skin which will once again drive the sebaceous glands to over-secrete all the oil lost. 

Check your sunscreen’s ingredients:

Sunscreen is very important in a skincare regime however lathering it on your face may make the face super oily and greasy if the sunscreen contains coconut oil.

Give a shot to Hydrafacials and chemical peels: Hydrafacials is an extremely moisturizing and exfoliating treatment that helps in reducing clogged pores, deeply cleansing the skin, and reducing oil production.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) chemical peels will improve the overall texture of the skin and get rid of non-inflammatory acne.

Excess sebum production also happens around the skin, but it is best advised not to use the products mentioned on the sensitive skin around the eyes.

Oily eyelids can be caused because of excessive sebum secretion. Hormonal changes, humidity, and topical applications may also cause excess oil on and around the eyelids.

Using under-eye filler creams or eye serums will not only reduce oil production but also decrease inflammation around the eyes.

These eye creams and eye serums will also improve the skin’s texture, decrease puffiness, lighten dark circles and reduce wrinkle formation around the eye area.

We can’t change our skin type, however,the above-mentioned tips will surely help you get rid of oily skin to the maximum extent.

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